Hi there ADVANCED 2 dearests!
Holiday's coming and I bet you're all anxious to come back to CNA right? hahah yeah right...so, since we're having no classes next week, here's your task:
Take a look at the images below...these are pictures of normal products, BUT you will have to convince me to buy them by inventing a new utility for it. See the example below:

Look at these sneakers. ok. What do you see? a normal pair of shoes? NO! This are the revolutionary WONDER SNEAKERS. They change colors when you're walking. They're beautiful and fit you perfectly! Buy it now! They're the shoes you've always needed.*REMEMBER: Use the vocabulary you learned in class and post it in the COMMENTS! and don't forget to say what picture you choose.So , now that you know what you have to do, go ahead! choose a picture and try to make me "give it a go".

- Teacher Bá