domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

Time for elections!

Hello Wonderful High Avanced 2 Students!

So here we are again. But this time, we're here for a different cause: CLASS ELECTIONS.
As you remember, you should watch the videos below and vote for the one you'd like to take part in, or even the one that's most appealing to you. Choose a 'single issue' and vote for it in the comments...say the reason also. Let's do it?

* You can not vote for your own video.

Teacher Bá.


Single Issue - Legalize it


2 comentários:

  1. I vote for the legalization of marihuana, of course. The illegal sell is a new market to strengthen crime. Plus, this drug is much better than cigarettes, which have more than 4000 toxic substances and many destructive effects, can relax us after many stressing hours working and even make people more creative. LEGALIZE IT!

  2. My vote goes for the legalization of marijuana because it drug dealing is likely to decrease, also decreasing the crimes related to it. Furthermore, marijuana can be used as a medical drug and the effect on behavior caused by drugs such as alcohol can be worse than the effect caused by the use of marijuana.
