Hi there High Adv. 2 students!!!
Have you been watching TV lately? With elections to take place in October Third, tv is becoming a "electoral hell" with all those programs trying to convince you who you're suppoused to vote for. Problem is that most of them shouldn't even be there.
Based on what you've been watching, write some paragraphs to express how you feel about this.
Based on what you've been watching, write some paragraphs to express how you feel about this.
Closer day by day of October, the politics are going crazy doing all kind of marketing, appearances, concerts, papers on the street and of course the television. And we, the one who votes in those people, he have to pay attention in what they’re saying four hours of our day. They have their time to try to explain something to win our vote and we listen and forget, or listen and try to vote well in this chaos.
ResponderExcluirTeenagers, usual vote ‘just for vote’, a vote that means nothing, cause they know that nothing is gonna change in our country. But maybe it’s time to change all this mess, time for think and learn with this situation that the country is passing by. The problem is the politics? So, go look for someone that deserves your vote, don’t accept anyone you see in TV who looks pretty good for you. If you want to vote in Tiririca, one example, your money is going be his. Do you really want this for you, and your country?
Nowadays, people tend to believe that nothing is gonna change, and always will be like this; but if we learn politic and know that, we can be the change that the country is waiting for!
In the end of this year, is gonna be worst than now, more TV, radios, papers and all the kind of faces to be on the politics to do something or to change Brazil. We need to be more active and keep the hope for a better television programs and future.
The Electorial schedule is a form for the politicians try to convince us to vote for them showing their proposals and criticizing each other.
ResponderExcluirBut, the schedule likes a humorist program , with Tiririca, Maquila, Mulher Pera and other protagonists, they don't have any notion what is represent a country, they just want win the elections for steal our money.
The vote is a opportunity to change the country so we have to pay attencion, vote in serious politicians for then fail to repent, because only have another after four years.
When it comes to politics Brazil has to change, that's no secret. Everyone one seems to have something bad to say about it, but do nothing to change it. With the elections this year some people are starting to stand up for what they believe in.
ResponderExcluirComediants should sitck with being funny and musicians with their music, when they can't separate them. When people like Tiririca try to get into politcs and do nothing to change their previous image they should be ignored, but they are not. People would rather vote for a comediant them vote for a serious person, just because they are funny.
In the end most of the brazilian people don't take the future of Brazil seriously until the time they have to choose the people who will comand the country for the next few years, when this time comes they divide themselves in two categories, the ones who do research and care about the future and the ones who think it's all a big joke.
Politics is an individual business; which is very broad, despite everyone has your on opinion about it. However, everybody agrees when it comes to ridiculous electioneering, after all, what’s the point of making fun of our country?
ResponderExcluirOn October third, elections is going to take (more) place. How boring and worrying is that? Candidates are worse than the other and nothing or nobody can stop them. It’s their time and all we have to do is to vote on the right or not that worst person.
Have you ever watched the election program? No? Can’t say if that it’s a good thing or bad, because although it’s shameful, it’s necessary. Right? How will we know on who to vote for whether not watching at least once?
On the other hand, we attend to it without doing anything. So here's one more question: Who is more ignorant; us for doing nothing or them for making fun of it? Then, amazingly this is the problem, we're used to see things and be quiet about it. Why not change it? Why not start imposing our rights as citizens? And why not show them that, yes you can get any worse than it is? Think about it.
Leticia Molina.
In my opinion, the policy along with the advertising policies, are dispensable in my day to day. But in times of elections I try to read a newspaper, internet ... I try to tell me what is happening to my country, what are the best proposals do not like to put that aside and vote for any candidate as' a form of protest 'That is no excuse for lazy voters.
ResponderExcluirTelevision has the power to influence voters, as viewers with misleading advertisements, I think if you do not have a strong opinion, you can get carried away with these politicians who have nothing good to offer!
So why it is most annoying political advertisements, we'd rather just watch, not to make stupid!
Politicians try to convince us who we have to vote. All they want is to have an image, appearing on TV and get people to vote for them.
ResponderExcluirSome don't know what they are doing, for example Tiririca, he doesn't know how to govern a country, and wants to become a Congressman?
People see this as a joke, we must know what is best for our country, take the elections seriously! The future depends on us, we can change the world if we want!
Although we call some politicians who will be on television untill October of clowns, they are the ones who are laughing at us. We do exactly what they want: everybody talks ONLY about them. Brazillian people want to look smart and show they know a lot about politics, which they say that is the most serious thing in the world, so all we do is criticize the ones who do not care if they will be elected, after all, most of these clowns just want to recover the fame they have lost. Meanwhile, we have no idea of who will receive our vote. Actually, most of Brazilian do not even know a dozen of candidates, immagine how many proposals they know.
ResponderExcluirUntill this moment I have not seen a single day of this "electoral hell", but I have read some news on newspapers and, mainly, entered on blogs of all the candidates for president. We can not decide our vote only based on what the media shows us, because it is absolutely tendentious. How can we know something about somebody listening to him for less than one minute?
I honestly disagree with what you said: there are no candidates who should not be on the elections. By the way, we have to thank God for some clowns being there, because when we stop seing them we will have a sign that the ditators are coming back. What really happens is that there are some candidates who nobody should vote for. Or rather, there are some who we should simply ignore.
Politics is an issue pretty particular, each one has an opinion, but TV seems to influence people a lot. Nowadays there are more and more politicians making fun of our country’s situation, and instead of being ignored, they are the politicians most commented in our society.
ResponderExcluirInternationally, people usually make jokes of our country and here nobody seems to care about this awkward situation. Many people claim about it but don’t do anything to give this an end.
If we really get worried about Brazil’s politic situation, and do not ‘throw our vote away’ choosing any politician, we can change this ‘hell’ that politics became and initiate a more just government.
Laísa Rivas
The election happens in four in four years on October third and is where we have the opportunity to replace the politicians who did nothing while in power. Before that have those boring day where every channel is passing the electoral program where they try to convince us to vote for them showing their proposals and criticizing each other.
ResponderExcluirAt this moment is where people who don`t know nothing of politic try to convince us to vote on them and that`s why I think that everything is a farce because everyone can apply and some time can be elect.
People see this as a joke because nobody trust on those people and is that why I think that should not be obligate to vote because those people which are obligate to vote, don’t think on who they are voting so that`s why Brazil is so bad.
I just want to tell everybody that on October third is the time that we have to change the future of Brazil, so don`t throw your vote away.
Is election time and this is the topic of the moment, elections happens every four years.
ResponderExcluirThis is when you have the chance to choose people's representatives in Congress.
But beyond all this importance, the elections in Brazil are becoming a big joke, because we have completely unprepared candidates, like Tiririca, Magila, Kiko and Leandro (KLB), and others, playing on their election advertisements and use their fame to do well in the end.
Because of this, we say every day: conscious vote! Analyze your candidates, the search for their past and sometimes watch the election comercials. Your vote can influence the future of all country.
Thank God today I can live without that "open" channels on tv. Few days ago I heard that "they" wanted to show theirs blablablas even on cable channels and I thought THIS would be a hell.
ResponderExcluirI have to be honest, I can't discuss in detail about politics, I am not interested, I have never follow, studying or researching much about it, and at the moment I don't care, my conscience obviously is not clear, but it is the truth.
Nevertheless I've listen people talking about the public and famous candidates and I think things won't change much, I disagree that politics is gonna be worse than before because of this. In my humble opinion, and as an example, the poor guy who has not conscience and used to sell his vote for food or a job, tomorrow he'll be the one who votes for his TV idol.
In conclusion I only have to say I'm sorry teacher I'm late, but I'm a good brazilian, I leave it for last minute, and everything went wrong today, so now I'm here and not in class, doing this for the second time, the first was like a sacrifice, because the blog eats my text!
It’ is difficult has total confidence in who we vote and to know that we are doing the right thing. The electoral timetable on TV is considering only as a comedy show we laugh a lot of the candidates with their moments on TV, which instead of proposals on which we can imagine the result, unfortunately they only sell their image.
ResponderExcluirI think to make people will be aware, which our Brazil serious need of rulers and certain. I know how funny to see a candidate fun, but if it is passing this image as we now know what to do when you have the Brasil or authority in their hands.
The debates today are just wars between politicians and no more an exchange of views and proposals to analyze, what is is the best for us.
We have to hope that all peoples will vote with conscience, for that the choice and Brazil's growth to depends only on each one of us.
Mayra - ACC, Sat
ResponderExcluirI consider the election schedule a great opportunity to clarification and knowledge of candidates that you intend to vote (to know about projects and proposals of each one). I know that sometimes it's really boring see everyday the same candidates and the same speach but, the elections only happens in 4 in 4 years (for president, governor, etc). It's a big responsability vote in someone who will represent you in the senate, vote in someone who will (or not) do things to improve people's life.
Before putting the blame on the candidates and say they do nothing, we have to look at our actions and reclaim our rights. Politicians steal node because we let them do it (we vote in him).The election timetable is a big circus because people let it get to that point!
Vote conscious is a matter of citizenship.
Kaio ACC, sat (trying for the second time)
ResponderExcluirHere in brazil does not exist a electoral, we just have a big field of fun and battle without blood, just like a circus, in fact, we do have a clown too. They are always hitting each others to reach their main go, win the electoral. But they are forgetting that they need votes to reach this bullshit and for them lucky it is an obligation.
How can any other country face us seriously? How can we realise our choices without any kind of laugh? For sure we are a big black hole while talking about politics.
Luluzinha in one of her cartoon got a day of president, she made everything she wanted to. She made schools, hospitals, everything except casttle and candyshops (what a kid would love to have). I do believe that Luluzinha and my untrained pig could do better than those fucking non-sense people.
The tv and radio electoral programs has been created in order to be a moment which the politicians could show their ideas and goals of government. However, the most of the population thinks that watch this program is lost of time.
ResponderExcluirThis occur because the disbelief of population in the politicians honesty. The few people used to watch or listen to the electoral program always had to see a spectacle of lies, false and essayed statements.
In the last elections, beyond the usual politicians, with their speeches ever, we have to watch a lot of unprepared candidates that should not be there, like singers, comedians, dancers, former soccer players, etc.. With them, the electoral programs have become a variety show, to make the voter laught. Worse, there are many voters who vote on these candidates by finding them funny. So, are elected incompetent (and often corrupt) leaders.
If the population intend to change the Brazilian terrible political situation, they must to vote with responsibly by choosing their candidate very well. We have to search about the candidates, to read and listen their proposals and supervise their work after they have been elected.
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ResponderExcluirLucas - ACC - Saturday
ResponderExcluirI really consider elections so boring. It's just like Paulo Skaf said, with all those 'circus' happening, most of young people will vote intending to change it in a way they will be also challenging the others who did not receive their vote because they show nothing interesting and politics are, nowadays, with such a bad representation for us. Well, thats all, I'm lazy and I've already erased a comment because I made a mistake.